Sunday, April 29, 2007


What do you think? How will we get our government back into the hands of the people? If you say nothing and sit on your hands eventually we will have nothing left worth having.
Might just as well watch re-runs of " The Three Stooges"!
This opinion page was closed but I want to know what more Americans think! I am positive more than 69 of us have something to say.
May I just point out that Rosie O'Donnell, and Alec Baldwin both mentioned they have big questions about our government. Is it any co-incidence that the mass mega-media giants are now airing embarrassing accounts of their private lives. Do you suppose it is to belittle their credibility?
This is the link to the place I found the following.
God Bless the U. S. A.! Judy.~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~.

Don Imus Reports Administration Won’t Allow Him To Tour Entire Walter Reed Facilities
This morning on his radio show, Don Imus continued to call attention to the deplorable conditions at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. Imus has highlighted the issue every day this week. On yesterday’s show, he revealed, “I haven’t heard from anybody [in the administration] about whether I can come down there and take a little tour.”

This morning, Imus updated his audience, reporting that administration officials called him and said he could take a limited guided tour of the facilities. Imus explained, “They will cherry pick some places for me to go look at, but they don’t want me just going down there looking at the entire facility. I’m not interested in having that.” Watch it:

Imus said that all he has received from the administration is talking points. “The Veterans Administration called me — they keep trying to cherry pick a couple of situations you have that you are doing what you are supposed to do. Don’t think that is going to shut me up, because it’s not. So just save your breath on all that stuff. It’s annoying and it’s insulting and it’s a waste of time,” he said.

Email the Walter Reed Public Affairs office, and tell them to let Don Imus tour the full Walter Reed

Digg It!


IMUS: By the way, various members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Veterans Administration: Don’t call me, because this is not a democracy here. This is the program — I talk and you listen and if you don’t like what I say, tough. The Veterans Administration called me — they keep trying to cherry pick a couple of situations you have that you are doing what you are supposed to do. Don’t think that is going to shut me up, because it’s not. So just save your breath on all that stuff. It’s annoying and it’s insulting and it’s a waste of time.

IMUS: By the way, they won’t let me come down there [Walter Reed] and look around. So — because — they are not interested in that. They will cherry pick some places for me to go look at, but they don’t want me just going down there looking at the entire facility. Not interested in having that.

CHARLES: Or just going into Building 18.

IMUS: No, don’t want that.

Filed under: Veterans
Posted by Faiz February 22, 2007 1:56 pm

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Interesting…Imus speaking out against the administration…didn’t think I’d see that in my lifetime…

Of course, everyone knows it’s sheer suicide to not condemn the deplorable conditions at Building 18, so everyone’s pretty desperate to throw the administration under the bus on this one. Even that poisonous little trollop Michelle Malkin got into the act.

Comment by TripMaster Monkey — February 22, 2007 @ 2:02 pm

Well, not in that get-up anyways…

Comment by Xenon — February 22, 2007 @ 2:08 pm

First: good for Imus.

Second: I just don’t understand his appeal. I’ve tried watching him on MSNCB a few times, including this morning when he was talking about Walter Reed. It takes forever for him to actually say anything. He hems & haws, has long pauses where he looks like maybe he’s going to fall asleep, and uses filler words & the listener has to try to figure out what he’s saying. I get very impatient listening to him. On top of that he slurs when he speaks sometimes. He looks stoned.
I just don’t get it.

Comment by rmoom — February 22, 2007 @ 2:11 pm

Ummmm….I am all in favor of holding a spotlight to any deplorable or substandard conditions at Walter Reed to which the wounded may be being subjected and getting those conditions improved ASAP….But is Don Imus the best champion for this cause???? I mean, look at him!

Comment by Exley — February 22, 2007 @ 2:14 pm

“He looks stoned. I just don’t get it.”

He IS stoned. And yes, you don’t get it.

Comment by Tom3 — February 22, 2007 @ 2:15 pm

give ‘em a few months to clean the place up and they’ll invite ANYone in to have a look see… even imus…

Comment by katy — February 22, 2007 @ 2:16 pm

Watching the CYA by military people on PBS Newshour last night was interesting.
First they say they knew all along. Then they realize that will get them fired, so they bring up the fact that over 200 work orders have been submitted about the facility. (They never add that none of them have been filled.)
Next, they try to blame the bottom of the chain of command, just like Abu Ghraib.
They even stated, ‘hey, only 7-8 rooms actually had mold! As if that makes it OK.
What they should have announced is ‘talk to the Chimp ‘N Chief. He’s cutting our budget in this biennium’.

Comment by Zimzone — February 22, 2007 @ 2:19 pm

Why is he talking to the Veterans Administration? Doesn’t he even know that Walter Reed AMC is run by the Army, not by the VA? If he is that dumb, what good can come of him “reporting” on the issue?

Comment by Bjorn — February 22, 2007 @ 2:19 pm


So am I, and I still don’t get Imus. Too boring.

Comment by wake-n-bake — February 22, 2007 @ 2:20 pm

This morning, Imus updated his audience, reporting that administration officials called him and said he could take a limited guided tour of the facilities. Imus explained, “They will cherry pick some places for me to go look at, but they don’t want me just going down there looking at the entire facility. I’m not interested in having that.”


The fact that Walter Reed is restricting access to their facility speaks volumes. If they have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of, then why are they so afraid to let someone come down and have a look around?? After all, conservatives have been using this very same argument for the past five-odd years to excuse Bush’s increasing intrusions into people’s private affairs — so it seems to me that it’s only fair to apply the same argument here. Anyway, this is not a private individual that we’re talking about here — but an institution which is not only providing a service, but which is legally obligated to live up to certain regulations in the performance of that service.

Comment by Bluestocking — February 22, 2007 @ 2:22 pm

Why didn’t he want to go two years ago?

Comment by Patrick1 — February 22, 2007 @ 2:31 pm

Imus always looks like he just came in from pulling a calf on the frozen plains of Montana. He probably smells like weed.

Anyhooo, I say he should be able to tour the facility. They can’t possibly have anything else to hide……could they?

Comment by Zooey — February 22, 2007 @ 2:32 pm

Folks Don Imus is the whole reason that the Center for the Intrepid rehab center was built because the government didn’t want to kick in for it so to say he’s just jumping on the bandwagon or is not the best person to represent this issue is a little off….

Comment by Karlyn — February 22, 2007 @ 2:32 pm

Fcuk Imus!

Comment by klyde — February 22, 2007 @ 2:34 pm

Imus is a half-sincere grandstander. Let somebody with real journalism skills tour Walter Reed, like Seymour Hersh or David Halberstam.

Comment by leo — February 22, 2007 @ 2:35 pm

Why didn’t he want to go two years ago?
Comment by Patrick1

I don’t know, Patrick, he’s your guy. Why don’t you real quick come up with an excuse….

Comment by Zooey — February 22, 2007 @ 2:42 pm

Conservatives have been saying we should all be fine with them wiretapping our phones. As they say, “if you haven’t done anything wrong, then you shouldn’t have anything to hide.”

Looks like Bush and his cronies have decided they DO have something to hide at Walter Reed. Methinks they have f***ed up once again.

Comment by And You Thought REAGAN Was Stupid — February 22, 2007 @ 2:59 pm about/ physics-images/ cosmictornado.cfm
Cosmic Tornado!

I don’t think I’ve ever watched his show.

But, I can agree with this issue.

Comment by JT8D-15A — February 22, 2007 @ 3:02 pm

cartoons cost a lot of money to create in a new environment. you have to have a good computer, a graphics program that allows you to put a guy in a chair with hat, in front of a pretend WR hospital setting. it’s called green screen. you can’t make it look real unless you have a lot of cooperation
they don’t have the budget of the daily show, c’mon.

Comment by oldtree — February 22, 2007 @ 3:07 pm

Why didn’t he want to go two years ago?
Comment by Patrick1

Why would anyone have believed that this was going on? The Pentagon should have known - ask Rumsfeld. The Armed Services Committee should have known - ask them. Bush should have known - ask him.
(He prefers to find one double amputee who has made a remarkable recovery and then race him on the track and try to beat him.)
There are plenty of people who should have known about these conditions, but I don’t think Imus is one of them.
Even Tweety visited WR a couple of times, but if he isn’t shown every building, why would he even suspect anything was amiss?
It’s like so many things in this administration: cover it up, make life miserable for the average guy who has little recourse, but play it up nice for the press. This is another very sad example of the hypocrisy, the immoral and shameful behavior of Bush&Co.

Comment by Marie — February 22, 2007 @ 3:09 pm

But is Don Imus the best champion for this cause???? I mean, look at him! Comment by Exley — February 22, 2007 @ 2:14 pm

That’s the problem with you Conservatives. You’re more obsessed by how things look, than what they actually are. Sickos.

Comment by ValiantVenusGrewFromUranus — February 22, 2007 @ 3:11 pm

Today being my 38th anniversary of getting the hell out of the Army, I feel obliged to chime in with my:

F*ck You Army!@

Comment by RUCerious — February 22, 2007 @ 3:16 pm

Exley, why does Imus’ off-beat appearance have anything to do with anything?
You must be too accustomed to the carefully coiffed, cosmetically enhanced robots on Fox and Co.

Comment by Marie — February 22, 2007 @ 3:16 pm

if asked, Bush will surely say that Imus would be restricted to certain areas of the hospital due to “national security concerns”

btw, is Imus wearing that hat ironically?

Comment by Pete Bogs — February 22, 2007 @ 3:19 pm

huh, where’d my post go?

Comment by Raven — February 22, 2007 @ 3:19 pm

Don’s a mole, a phoney. All of a sudden it’s his issue. Give me a break. The underfunding is ancient hstory of at least.

Comment by theswan — February 22, 2007 @ 3:20 pm

i forgot! this is VERY important…

a caller to randi rhodes yesterday suggested that EVERYONE call their REPS and GOVERNORS to have them claim their states’ vets at reed and bring them HOME to their state to recuperate at various hospitals located in their state.


Comment by katy — February 22, 2007 @ 3:21 pm

You must be too accustomed to the carefully coiffed, cosmetically enhanced robots on Fox and Co.
Comment by Marie

they have BORe to counterbalance that =)

Comment by JT8D-15A — February 22, 2007 @ 3:21 pm

i happened to flip over to imus this a.m. while he had mike barnicle on and he flat out stated that ‘bush and cheney are war criminals and they should be hanged”. he made that statement a couple of times in the couple of minutes i saw.

no one in a high profile media position has ever come close to saying anything like that. in fact, a couple of weeks ago, tweety actually said there was no chance a war crimes trial could ever happen in america!

Comment by linda — February 22, 2007 @ 3:41 pm

What do you mean by “join in the fight”? Do you mean we should invade a country that has no connections with Al Qaeda? Send the bulk of our troops and billions of dollars to that country? Not pay much attention to Osama bin Laden?

If that’s a Conservative’s idea of “the fight” against Al Qaeda, you can count me out.

Comment by And You Thought REAGAN Was Stupid — February 22, 2007 @ 3:42 pm

But is Don Imus the best champion for this cause???? I mean, look at him! Comment by Exley — February 22, 2007 @ 2:14 pm

That’s the problem with you Conservatives. You’re more obsessed by how things look, than what they actually are. Sickos.

Comment by ValiantVenusGrewFromUranus — February 22, 2007 @ 3:11 pm

Yes, but in this case he’s talking about Imus, who is an uninformed douchebag who’s more interested in hyping himself than actually caring about any issue, and has more often than not played apologist to the warmongering of the Bush administration.

Comment by Jeremy Henderson — February 22, 2007 @ 3:42 pm

Today being my 38th anniversary of getting the hell out of the Army, I feel obliged to chime in with my:
F*ck You Army!@
Comment by RUCerious

Happy Anniversary!

Comment by Zooey — February 22, 2007 @ 3:55 pm

The Bush administration is rotten to the core! These crooks in the White House have shown the American people a level of incompetence and corruption that is unfathomable!

Comment by rainlillie — February 22, 2007 @ 3:56 pm

Those slobs at Walter Reed can expect the Abu Ghraib treatment. The administration will blame it all on a few bad apples at Walter Reed.

Comment by Henry Ehrlich — February 22, 2007 @ 4:05 pm

So, what is Imus’ good friend Joe Lieberman, a man more than willing to make sure Building 18 will get lots of use, doing to help out?

Shirley @ 29 - why did YOU abandon the fight against al-Qaeda to start a war of agression and invade and occupy Iraq? Where you brain washed by al-Qaeda? Bc it has certainly worked out wonderfully well for them - the US is sitting in the diaper that George W. Bush refuses to change. Seriously Shirley - do you want to invade Indonesia now too? Along with, before, or after Iran? What about Saudi Arabia and Egypt and UAE - places that helped with staffing and logistics for 9/11?

Basri in your story isn’t some frail “brainwashed” babe, not responsible for his actions — anymore than those who support the unjustified abuse of Iraqis in Iraq by American military forces are “brainwashed” by Bush. You and Basri are both adults, responsible for your choices and actions and the deaths that result from your choices.

Comment by Mary — February 22, 2007 @ 4:09 pm

Makes you wonder what they are hiding at Walter Reed.

Comment by Karim — February 22, 2007 @ 4:40 pm

Once again rachel, I don’t change names to tell you to go fu*k yourself.

Comment by Spudge_Boy — February 22, 2007 @ 6:06 pm

shirley mc whirley,
You’re terribly confused. Those of us who are against the war in Iraq are not against fighting terrorists. Iraqis didn’t attack us on 911, Bin Laden did. So why in the hell is Bush wasting time, money and more importantly the lives of our troops in Iraq? Republicans act as if they weren’t warned ahead of time that this was a bad idea. they act as if someone else other than Bush was President during the planning for the war. Every aspect of this war has been mismanaged: From providing our troops with proper armor, to providing them with adequate medical care, to winning the peace, and having a cohesive exit strategy. Bush should have listened to the experts that he stubbornly fired, when they told him what the outcome of this war would be. He also should have listened to his father who said:

“Trying to eliminate Saddam…would have incurred incalculable human and political costs. Apprehending him was probably impossible…. We would have been forced to occupy Baghdad and, in effect, rule Iraq…. there was no viable “exit strategy” we could see, violating another of our principles. Furthermore, we had been self-consciously trying to set a pattern for handling aggression in the post-Cold War world. Going in and occupying Iraq, thus unilaterally exceeding the United Nations’ mandate, would have destroyed the precedent of international response to aggression that we hoped to establish. Had we gone the invasion route, the United States could conceivably still be an occupying power in a bitterly hostile land.”

George Herbert Walker Bush
from his memoir, “A World Transformed” (1998)

Comment by rainlillie — February 22, 2007 @ 7:00 pm

On a semi-related note, Imus also called the general a dickhead. No joke. Check the full segment.


Comment by Denise — February 22, 2007 @ 9:15 pm

One of the more insidious elements of the Cheney regime in Washington is its clinically perfect job of hiding this war from the average American. It has been one of the only processes they haven’t screwed up, in fact. No flag draped coffins for this war, friends. Very few war correspondents post invasion so a very sanitized version of events “over there” in all. Certainly no cameras showing row upon row of double and triple amputees at hospitals in Germany and England. So, here we have Imus, a man who has donated a hell of a lot more of his time to charity than the average entertainer, trying to expose what is obvious to most of us - that they don’t want anyone to tell the story that far, far more money has gone into starting and running this insane war than as we will continue to see, dealing with its catastrophic aftermath. Give em hell Imus.

Comment by Later... — February 22, 2007 @ 10:42 pm

Shirley, Shirley, Shirley….

Wow honey. The world is cracking and apparently so are you. Is that all you can give for a comeback, in the midst of all of these topics, is that you hate Ted Kennedy ? How pathetic.

Comment by We'll Meet Again,, — February 22, 2007 @ 10:54 pm

Conservatives hate wounded Iraq veterans.
At least their President and VP do.

Comment by Douglas Watts — February 22, 2007 @ 11:51 pm

Imus is goofy, but he should just show up at Walter Reed hospital with a bunch of TV press with him. Then demand to see the entire facility and if denied then the press reports that fact on all the TV news stations.

Comment by Jay Randal — February 23, 2007 @ 1:30 am

On this issue Don Imus is feeling with his heart. The fact that he
sometimes sucks up to people– like Mccain to the contrary notwithstanding, and Lieberman.

He has an audience –radio of say 10,000,000 people — and that’s a lot of folks. He should ask them to meet in Washington, DC. and
make noise and enter Walter Reed Hospital.

Comment by fran — February 23, 2007 @ 11:51 am

[…] 23, 2007 at 4:10 pm · Filed under Uncategorized Imus Barred from Touring All of Walter Reed Imus: “They will cherry pick some places for me to go look at, but they don ’t want me just […]

Pingback by Imus Barred from Touring All of Walter Reed « Tons of Fresh News — February 23, 2007 @ 12:34 pm

“Don’t call me, because this is not a democracy here.”

The show is more of a democracy than our republic.

Comment by Butch Cassidy — February 23, 2007 @ 1:16 pm

F. Imus…

Stern Rules

Comment by Howard Stern — February 23, 2007 @ 1:18 pm

You guys crack me up. This was news 4 days ago. The cleaning crews have already been in and fixed it all and Imus is just getting a grip on it. The fact that Imus was news a long time ago may have something to do with that. he’s about as relevant as his pal Howard Stern in today’s world…old, tired hacks doing the SOS day after day, getting rich on dweebs like you.

As for charging the gates of Walter Reed with a news crew making demands, yeah…right. Good thinking Ace. Try that at your local community hospital, the Mayo Clinic or anywhere else and see where it gets you. Hospitals are private ground, they have a duty to protect the privacy of their patients. In any case, Building 18 wasn’t part of the hospital proper…it was housing and removed from the hospital building. No health care was delivered there. No real harm was done. I know, I’m a veteran with a disability…been there.

Comment by Jimbobobb — February 23, 2007 @ 1:19 pm

Imus is someone who entertains me and who is very relevant. I was once an avid Stern fan but now no more, Imus is way more humorous and entertaining without using skanks and ho’s . Yes he is an acquired taste, but I assure you he is relevant and his crew especially McGuirk is the best adult humor on radio.

Imus has every politician worth talking to on his show, in fact if they dont appear they are really not relevant. I was disappointed he did not skewer Cheney in 2006 but I am sure he would do so now , he certainly gives Mary Matlin a hard time, plus he is a huge anti Iraq war critic.
IMUS rocks Stern sucks

Comment by Boston Rugby — February 23, 2007 @ 1:42 pm

What I don’t understand about all the people that are just now bringing this up, is why they don’t look at the history of the conditions at the hospital. If you would actually do some research and check into it, that hospital has had horrid conditions for years, not only recently. Why blame “The Administration” or anyone other than whoever it is that is supposed to be inspecting these “Hospitals”. Oh, that might make sense though, so why don’t we make it a political issue to try to blame whoever we feel like for it. I personally could care less about who’s fault it is, or who they will or won’t let in to see it as long as it gets corrected. Then maybe try to assign blame instead of playing the 5-year-old game of pointing fingers at whoever is closest or you like the least.

Comment by Hmm......... — February 23, 2007 @ 2:13 pm


Besides the fact that I ave been listening to Imus in the Morning for years, I prefer it over Stern or Opie and Anthony, I enjoy substance to me drive time radio, I think your comment it a bit off kilter to the point. You ask is Don Imus the best champion for this cause? Maybe not it the answer to that, but it warrants me to ask you, are you going to do it? Or are you just going to quip and then move on to something else. The goodness of Imus is that if he deems something worthwhile to champion he won’t rest or shut up until there are results. There are very very few people in this world with the guts, patience, attitude and where with all to do that.

Ummmm….I am all in favor of holding a spotlight to any deplorable or substandard conditions at Walter Reed to which the wounded may be being subjected and getting those conditions improved ASAP….But is Don Imus the best champion for this cause???? I mean, look at him!

Comment by Shawn — February 23, 2007 @ 2:26 pm

For what it’s worth… re Imus appearance–who the hell cares! What can he do for this–he has about 10 million listeners between RADIO and TV. He has called this admin “war criminals” for YEARS. He will say and do whatever the___ he pleases. The man is made of money, could care less if he were canceled. So he dresses like a cowboy–could be becouse he is originally a rancher. He was raised on one and now runs a charity for Kids with cancer’ on his ranch in NM. About 70 cents on the dollor goes to the kids in his charity more than most!

Before you critisize–know your subject. By the way I can barely stand the guy BUT he does do some good. AND has more power than he would appear to.

Comment by AZ Del — February 23, 2007 @ 2:49 pm

Ok, I’ll do spellcheck next time. Sorry

Comment by AZ Del — February 23, 2007 @ 3:00 pm

I get so tired of Bush and his cronies being the cause of every ill to befall mankind. Like Walter Reed became the way it is during his administration and was the Mayo Clinic prior to him taking office. I suppose “Bush and his cronies” put salmonella in peanut butter too.

Comment by Jim — February 23, 2007 @ 3:07 pm

[…] Faiz asks us to email Walter Reed to let him in. He’s in a position to actually do something about this no matter how you feel about him. Email the Walter Reed Public Affairs office, and tell them to let Don Imus tour the full Walter Reed facilities. […]

Pingback by IAVA Blog » Imus wants to go to Walter Reed — February 23, 2007 @ 4:18 pm

Agree w/ #51. Don Imus is an equal opportunity hater when it comes to politics and everything else. The man speaks with venom for a living, about any little thing that rubs him the wrong way. “Fat moron! You dope!” That’s how he punctuates every other sentence.

But he has a huge heart, too. When something gets under his skin — particularly in the area of doing what’s right — Imus moves mountains.
Don has impacted a number of important pieces of legislation, flying in the face of various corporate big-wigs. And this is why the Administration wanting loud-mouth, influential Don looking in closets and what not at Walter Reed.

Imus’ only rival in sphere of influence is Oprah. If the guy likes a book or CD, all those who stand to profit register a resounding “cha-ching!”

Comment by kweenkong — February 23, 2007 @ 6:56 pm

“On all the line a sudden vengeance waits
And frequent hearses shall besiege your gates…”
Alexander Pope, ELEGY TO THE MEMORY OF AN UNFORTUNATE LADY(who was injured in Iraq)

Comment by Raymond Funamoto — February 23, 2007 @ 7:18 pm

Got sick of Imus the Anus two plus years ago and stopped listening- can’t stand Kuby whose mommy is a commie so - so sorry Curtis. Mike and Mike on 1050 AM Espn sports radio more to my taste now. Of course Rush, Sean, Mark Levin, ect. for the rest of the day to balance the lies I read in my looney lib paper. Interesting to read what they leave out after hearing the full truth on the radio and Fox News and reading Power Line, Little Green Footballs and Michelle Malkins excellent columns. Michelle is excellent and opens many eyes and defiles the lies by the moonbats, which is why they hate her so and viscously psycho like trash her. Like that liberal nut guy who attacked the 3 college students he never met. Little liberal coverage on that, ehh? How about that ACLU past president with the violent child rape porn on his computer. Not a word in the lib papers. Double standard hypocrites. Like when the libs violently attack our wounded vets at these so called “peace” rallies when they go there to refutiate their lies, they don’t like it so they attack. They cheat and lie during elections, slashing tires and trashing Republican headquarters, ect. but little is made of it. Sick nazi commie marxist atheist devils with your Pravda productions. We are wise to you and the internet and talk radio will bring you down, or at least keep you in check.

Comment by Legion — February 24, 2007 @ 1:33 am

And who the hell is Don Imus to demand anything? Typical celeb entitlement complex.

Comment by majdvmphd — February 26, 2007 @ 5:50 pm

[…] falsehood is perhaps most evident in the blogosphere. Last week, we reported that Walter Reed had refused to let talk show host Don Imus (a frequent advocate for servicemembers […]

Pingback by Think Progress » Fox Pundit Claims Walter Reed Investigation Was ‘Going After The Administration From The Right’ — February 28, 2007 @ 3:59 pm

[…] Administration, GOP, Military, Medical at 3:02 pm by LeisureGuy This is eye-opening: Last week, we reported that Walter Reed had refused to let talk show host Don Imus (a frequent advocate for servicemembers […]

Pingback by Lack of concern from the Right for the troops « Later On — February 28, 2007 @ 5:52 pm

Walter Reed is run by the ARMY not the VA—-Imus running of at the mouth again!

Comment by Don Smith — March 1, 2007 @ 2:46 am

The indignation about Water Reed is BS.

Where is the concern about all the other federal facilities that house people, familes that make Walter Reed look like a Palace.

Mold on walls, ceiling tiles with holes, water buckets on floors and an administration that fakes concerns and is likely the largest slum lord in the country.

Comment by geek — March 2, 2007 @ 7:45 am

[…] See if they’ll let you, Senator Joe Lieberman, walk around without being escorted by four or five of these generals who’ve known about this for […]

Pingback by Think Progress » Lieberman On Appointment Of Kiley: ‘It’s A Good First Step’ — March 2, 2007 @ 12:21 pm

I am angry and we shouldn’t take it anymore!
How does anyone think that the problem at Walter Reed was not a problem? Someone said to themselves,”Rats, mold and filth and paperwork nightmares….those aren’t real problems. In fact, I really don’t understand what everyone is complaining about. In fact, this is just a figment of someone’s imagination.”
In other words, what was the thought processes involved at all levels. This, my friends, is a systemic problem. It won’t be solved by replacing a few generals. As Newt Gingrich has said, “The system is broken.” Our civil service system and the old school tie network may work for “them”: it sure doesn’t work for us.
We must all of us write to anyone and everyone. This is not going to go away.
Another question we should ask ourselves is, if the former star of the VA hospital system, Walter Reed, is this bad, how bad are the rest of the VA hospitals? If the hospital that is closest to downtown Washington is not under someones care and supervision who is going to look into the other hospitals? I have talked to a few vets who say that their local hospitals seem to be about the same. I have no proof.

Comment by john — March 3, 2007 @ 9:08 am


I am a Vietnam veteran from the generation that bought your albums “1000 Hamburgers to Go,” and “This Honkey’s Nuts.” I am not interested in getting on a soapbox. What I am interested in doing is bringing some facts to the table.

The Walter Reed Army Hospital Complex is on the list of base closings that was announced by Congress about 1 1/2 to two years ago. When this list was made public, we were led to believe that the function now served by Walter Reed Army Hospital Campus was going to be replaced by a major expansion of the hospital facilities at Ford Belvoir, and at the Quantico Marine Corps base at Quantico, both located in Northern Virginia.

No member of Congress, no one who you have interviewed on your program, has revealed this fact, nor have they told you whether they have traveled to either one of these two “Replacement Facilities,” to determine what the status is of this previously announced expansion. This issue wasn’t brought up as part of the Washington Post investigation. Woodward and Bernstein would have never omitted this matter.

The mold covered walls of Building 18 that we keep seeing on the news, walls that we now see being patched and painted over, have a shit-load of mold and mildew behind them, this being caused by the window air-conditioning units whose filters and condensate carry-off pipes have not been cleaned since you could breathe regularly. Cleaning and Greening up that building would require pulling out all of the sheetrock and horizontal surfaces of that building (ceilings & floors) to the outside walls of that building in order to perform across-the-board mold and mildew containment. No one is going to authorize that corrective action, given the fact that Walter Reed has been scheduled to be closed. So what exactly is Congress going to investigate via these pending hearings?

I think that Congress owes the American public an investigative agenda before the hearings began, so that we can be assured that these hearings will not become a three ring circus. Unless you bring your congressional friends are back on the air, including several of the presidential candidates, you know what is going to happen. What you helped accomplish in San Antonio is beyond being wonderful. The VA hospital system has a few locations (i.e., West Palm Beach and Miami, Florida) that would easily match the San Antonio facility, with respect to sophistication, excellence and professionalism. They do a lot of dental work there (sic), but they also provide critical medical services for the veterans of multiple conflicts. The West Palm Beach, Florida Veterans Hospital is the standard to which all VA hospitals should be held. Quality of care oversight is the job of the Congressional investigative team, not holding a three-ring circus.

All of this reminds me of a chapter in Anthony Herbert’s book (I have forgotten its title) on the Vietnam War, where he described then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird’s visit to Walter Reed Army Hospital. “He walked through the wards, stonefaced, looking neither to the right or to the left at the critically disabled veterans lying in their beds.” It’s the same old same old, unless you bring these Congressional doofus friend of yours, back on the air to answer these highly critical questions. Otherwise, all that we are going to witness, is the same old merry-go-round; bullshit on a horse, traveling in circles, for all the world to see. I am beyond dismayed and embarrassed by this set of circumstances, as this sideshow has brought uncounted aid and comfort to our enemies. What do we need to wake us up, to have Al Qaeda start broadcasting to our troops via some Tokyo Rose-type of program; for them to lay down their arms because their country has no interest in them?

It is time that people like yourself started seriously kicking butt; to go beyond Susan Sarandon observations. We don’t need more studies; what we need is ass-in-the-grass corrective action. What we should come to expect of America, is a restoration of our world-wide reputation for “Taking Care of Our Own!”

Mark R. Goldstein
Cell: (703) 798-0299 Office: (772) 344-4654

Comment by Mark Goldstein — March 5, 2007 @ 10:34 am

[…] Barred from Touring All of Walter Reed Filed under: Uncategorized — recar @ 9:07 am Imus Barred from Touring All of Walter Reed Imus: “They will cherry pick some places for me to go look at, but they don ’t want me just […]

Pingback by Imus Barred from Touring All of Walter Reed « News Coctail — March 8, 2007 @ 4:08 am

This morning Imus brought up a very interesting question. When is the last time Cheney visited Walter Reed? Apparently, his office won’t release this information, which probably means it’s been years. Way to go Mr. Cheney. Don’t let the door bang you in the @$$ on the way out!!

Comment by art — March 14, 2007 @ 10:11 am

Is this a wordpress blog? or some other software?

Comment by Mold Remover — March 26, 2007 @ 5:58 pm

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